Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Minty Fresh Paint Chip Art

Mike just finished repainting the master bathroom white, I'll post pics tomorrow. There's still no shower curtain or hardware, but the pink to white transformation is wonderful. We had originally thought about going with a minty green in there, but we thought it might be safer to go with white, and add some punches of color to the small space.

So on one weekend trip to Lowe's I snagged a bunch of paint chips in the general area of the green we had once considered for the bathroom walls, with the intention of making art as inspired by my "Art to Make" Pin board on Pinterest. I copied Elle over at Ellementary Home and created this:

Step One: Collect a ton of paint chips.

Step Two: Cut them up into same-size rectangles.

Step Three: Lay them out in this chevron pattern.

Step Four: Trim the edges and slip it into a frame. And you have this:

I will take a picture of this wonderful art when it is up in the refinished bathroom! Can you see my thumbs up sign in the reflection? :) Happy Hump Day!

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